Plan Your Visit


Welcome to South City Christian, a re-emerging church in the South Lake Charles area with a heart for people. We want to focus on Jesus and His teachings in the Bible, seeking to become like Him in the everyday places of life. We recognize ourselves as simply servants. We are striving to find practical ways to say to our community, "We care because Jesus cares." We simply want to Help People Find and Follow Jesus.

When you visit, help yourself to the coffee and goodies. Relax and enjoy the fellowship, worship, and discussion of God's Word to us today. Feel free to stand, sit, kneel, raise your hands, clap, or bow your head during our praise time. We just want you to open your heart to God and one another.


We have a nursery for newborn through young preschoolers provided in the East Educational Wing. Please check your child in at the door.

At our Traditional Service, Jr. Church is for older preschool through 5th Grade. They will be dismissed from the worship service after the offering to go to their classes in the East Educational Wing. Please pick your child up following Morning Worship.

At our Contemporary SC2 Service, older preschool through 5th Grade go directly to SC2 Kids in the East Educational Wing. Please check your child(ren) at 10:45 and pick them up following the service.

Weekly Gatherings

Worship - 10:00 AM

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Gathering Times

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 AM

Tuesday Ladies Bible Study - 9:30 AM